Why I quilt…

Why do you quilt?

Yes, most hobbies are probably good for our well-being. But this one: quilting, specifically, I know I’m not alone in finding my peace and calm here, more than elsewhere!

From the small day-to-day value of having something to keep my hands busy, to the bigger picture of having a rich and exciting craft to turn to or at least think about when everything else takes over and/or *all the other shit* is getting me down.

Forgive my French there, but there can be a lotta shit, right?! Let’s call it for what it is.

There are other reasons I quilt, but mostly, it keeps me sane.

I was looking for the perfect accompaniment to these thoughts and this video here just seemed like a good match for all this. Filmed by my daughter Rosie.

ps. Lmk in the comments who you listen to/follow/love on this topic. I’d love someone to write a book about the mental health value of quilting, or maybe it exists already?


Vale Celeste Chandler


A story about a machine (and women)