My first quilt

It’s kinda joyous…

The first quilt I made, happens to be the first she’s owned.

It’s also kinda joyous that people we love snuggle and cuddle under these things we’ve made.

It’s also kinda joyous that we can squirrel away doing something we love, that gets use and is functional. Heehee.

“Honey I love you but I can’t play right now or even really talk to you because I’m reallllly busy making this quilt for you because I love you…”

Whenever I make quilts for my kids, I envisage and hope they’ll drag them through life. To uni, if they study away… to their first eye-opening share house, to their first true home, to many of their homes… and perhaps one day to their kid’s rooms.

I’d say there’ll be a lot of mending!

My photos date this to January 2020. It feels like so much longer ago, but we’re all fully aware of what’s taken place since that date!

It would have also involved my first visit to Sally at Thread Botanica to literally *discover what’s possible*

Here in these images lie the preciousness I find in this craft. May that feeling never dwindle!


A story about a machine (and women)